In this article we’re going to explain what is NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID, and 5 Methods to Fix NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Error. So let’s check it out.


Is your browser showing an error message like NET::ERR_CERT _DATE_INVALID? It often means there’s an issue with the site SSL certificate or your browser configuration. The message you’ll see will depend on the browser. Google Chrome usually displays your connection is not private. While Mozilla Firefox says, Warning, potential security risk ahead.

When a user tries to access a website browser will need to verify the website’s SSL certificate to establish a secure connection. If the browser has failed to verify the SSL certificate, it will show the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID message instead. This error might seem tricky to troubleshoot since there are many possible reasons behind it, but don’t worry, we will share 5 methods too quickly fix it.

1. Clear the Browser Cache

If you see this error as a visitor clearing the browser’s cache is a way to fix it. Browser cache stores records of websites you have visited, so the browser can load them faster the next time, but an outdated cache can load an old version of the website causing this error. So clearing the browsers cache from time to time will prevent this issue and ensure your browser will always load the most recent version of the website. This is the most effective method in 5 Methods to Fix NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Error list.

In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to clear the cache on Google Chrome.

First, click on the three dots icon on the top right corner of your browser window.

Then go to more tools and select Clear browsing data. We can choose the time range, so let’s set it to all time.

And then take the cached image and files checkbox and click on the clear data button to delete your browser cache.

Keep in mind that you might experience a longer set loading time when accessing your website. After clearing the cache.

2. Change LAN Settings

Another option is to change your local area network or LAN settings. Proxy settings root website traffic to protect users from malicious third parties, so any misconfiguration can prevent you from accessing websites.

On Mac OS Navigate to your system preferences and choose network.

Then select your network service from the list and click advanced.

Head to proxies Tab and tick the box next to automatic proxy configuration.

Click okay to finalize the changes.

Now, if you have Windows, head to your control panel and select network and internet.

Then choose the internet options and click on the connection tab.

Select LAN settings and take the automatically detect settings option.

And click okay button to finalize the changes.

3. Check for Browser Extension Conflicts

If the error persists, having too many browser extensions may be the culprit, as they may conflict with one another. To confirm if that’s the reason, open the website using an incognito window, if the website works, you will need to identify the conflicting extension and delete it.

On Google Chrome, Click the three dots and head more tools and select extensions.

Select the newest extension first and disable it.

If that doesn’t solve the issue, try disabling the others one by one. Once to find the conflicting extension, remove it. To prevent this issue from happening in the future, Make sure to audit and update your extensions regularly.

4. Check SSL Set Up Correctly

 If the issue is happening on your website. Check if the SSL certificate is set up correctly. One of the most common causes of this error is a mismatch between the common name on your SSL certificate and the correct domain name. The common name represents the server name protected by SSL certificate. So an SSL certificate is only valid if the requested host name matches the certificate’s common name.

Now, different browsers have their own methods, but the overall process is more or less similar. We will show you how to troubleshoot it on Google chrome.

Start by clicking on the padlock icon on the address bar.

From the drop down menu, click on ‘connection is secure’ and select the certificate is valid option.

A new window will open containing the website’s SSL certificate details.

Next to “issued to”, you should see that the common name listed matches the domain name.

If there’s a mismatch, the only solution is to uninstall the current SSL certificate and get a new one. With Hosting provider, uninstall your SSL certificate by logging into your account and heading to SSL, click on uninstall. Then you can reinstall it in the same section.

5. Configure URL Settings via phpMyAdmin

Now if the previous method didn’t fix the issue, you can also configure your URL settings via phpMyAdmin. Sometimes this error happens due to a URL difference between the option value in the site URL and home row of your website’s database.

Under the database section. Click on phpMyAdmin to open the application.

Choose your site’s database and find the WP options table.

In the table, look for the site URL and home rows, make sure they both redirect to the same URL.

If they do not have the same values, then click on edit button to match them and click go to finalize the edit.

And that’s it. Here you have 5 Methods to Fix NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Error. Please comment below to let us know which method work for you. If you want to read more information about this error or anything, let us know in the comment section. And don’t forget to share this tutorial with your friends and family.

Thanks for Reading.

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